Recent volatility around the world has exposed some actionable opportunities
in the predictive ETFGsm models. When we look among Quant’s big movers this
morning we see the SPDR DJ Global Dow Fund (DGT) rocketing 116 positions
into 7th place. Moves like
that usually result from a large option trade moving the sentiment score which
can prove fleeting but this move results from the more durable Fundamental
The essence of our models is their integration of modern
behavioral finance with traditional fundamental analysis. They look at the former through two lenses;
the technical scores are based on various relative strength and moving average statistics
while the sentiment scores are contrarian views on option activity, short
interest and volatility. DGT does OK on
the technical but nothing special at a blended 67.7 and even worse on the sentiment
side with a 48.1 reflecting a lack of interest in this fund which has lagged
the market this year. They combine for a
Behavioral Score of 57.9 which ranks 369th out of the 726 funds
getting Quant scores today. However, as
it has lagged, DGT has become relatively cheaper which helps its Fundamental Score.
The four fundamental subcategories show some dispersion with its 64.2
P/E score suggesting valuation is better than most of its life since September
2000 but not spectacularly cheap. Many
of the dominant global brands which populate its constituent list have better
looking balance sheets than income statements which we see in its Price/Book
Value above 96, matched by its Price/Cash Flow score. Today’s big move is a result of its largest
dividend ever paid yesterday. This
dividend tends to be its highest of the year but yesterdays was the first to
exceed the June 2008 dividend generating a yield score of 98.8, compared to
yesterday’s 32.3. The four combine for a
Fundamental Score of 88.8 which leads to an 8.98 Green Diamond Reward Rating,
its first above 8 since last fall which preceded a period of solid outperformance.
The fund tracks a committee based index with 150 constituents selected
for future growth and rebalances to an equal weight every September. Its pie charts show it covering plenty of
bases with about 45% of AUM in the US and all sectors represented. We hope DGT performs as well as the last time
it got 8 Green Diamonds but keep an eye on its higher than average 5.83 Risk
Rating. And thanks for keeping an eye on
ETF Globalsm.
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